Grow A Healthy Community in 2019

Want to add superpower to your new year’s health goals? Then add companionship to your program! We’ve seen this improve outcomes over and over again throughout the years at our clinics. You can certainly go it alone and be successful, but adding healthy community to your life can increase your ability to sustain your progress and increase your happiness while doing it.

This subject has been studied many times* and the consistent message is that people generally experience and perceive better health when they are actively engaged with community members; preferably multi-generational. In human development those babies that have lots of interaction flourish and neglect literally starves the brain and body. There are even instances of still born babies being revived by skin to skin contact with their mothers. Now we’re not suggesting that you get naked and squeeze your neighbor, however, stripping down poor habits together could work really well.

If you are just getting to know the Tummy Temple then you will soon find out, we are fairly fixated on creating healthier communities. If you have been with us for a while, then it’s probably one of the things that keeps you coming back. Tummy Temple can feel like a healing home for many of our clients, and we’re aiming to spread the love in bigger and better ways this year.

In 2019 we’ll be employing new technology platforms to make joining, learning and healing together easier and fun; starting with our Community Cleansing programs. We’re making these effective programs available through virtual conferencing, so you can invite your friends and family locally and around the globe to join in the fun! Now you can cleanse with your cousin in Ohio and your friends in Australia at the same time, with the guidance of your beloved Tummy Temple team members.

These programs will be offered more times throughout the year, along with other special topic programs from our talented team. So stay tuned and help us spread the word and our healing impact on the world.

Many blessings,


Kristi Zimmer
Co-Founder of Tummy Temple






* Family structure and health, how companionship acts as a buffer against ill health. Amelia R Turagabeci,Keiko NakamuraEmail author,Masashi Kizuki andTakehito Takano
*Health and Quality of Life Outcomes2007 23 November 2007
* Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for coronary heart disease and stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal observational studies. Nicole K Valtorta1, Mona Kanaan2, Simon Gilbody3, Sara Ronzi4, Barbara Hanratty5
* A Tool to Strengthen the Older Patient-Companion Partnership in Primary Care: Results from a Pilot Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Feb; 62(2): 312–319. Published online 2014 Jan 13. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12639