By Faie Henneberry, LMP
Myrrh: is very effective for throat problems and hoarseness. Apply topically & can be taken internally.
Pine: dilates and opens bronchial tubes. Diffuse or apply topically.
R.C: strengthens the respiratory system, dilates and opens the pulmonary tract, and fights respiratory infections. Diffuse, apply on chest, neck, ears & feet. Inhallation with steam.
Rose, Sage, and Sandalwood: help chronic bronchitis. Diffuse or apply topically.
Thieves: protects against such illnesses as flu, colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throats, cut, etc. Diffuse for 15 to 30 minutes every 3 to 4 hours. Apply to bottom of feet, or rub over feet, throat, stomach, and abdomen. Dilute one drop in 15 drops of a vegetable oil or massage oil base and massage over thymus. It is safest applied to the bottom of the feet, as it may be caustic to the skin.
Fresh Essence and Fresh Essence Plus oral rinse: is effective for killing a broad spectrum of viruses and bacteria.
Pneumonia – Emphysema: Raven, R.C. Sacred Mountain, Inspiration, and Exodus II.
Application: Massage on the Vita Flex points on the feet. Using the Raindrop Technique, apply 4 drops Oregano & 4 drops Thyme followed by 10-15 drops of V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil base to reduce the risk of burning.