Buddha Belly Breathing

Buddha Belly Breathing

We suggest the following exercise 10 minutes a day when you rise in the morning, before bed, or anytime you become aware that you are not breathing fully and in a relaxed fashion.  This exercise massages the organs increasing circulation of blood, lymph, nerve information, and chi.  It also brings focus and calm to the mind.

Sit in a chair with your spine elongated, tail boned slightly tucked under and the sense of a string coming out of the top of your head. 
Place your feet flat on the floor and hip width apart with toes pointing straight ahead. 
Rest your hands in your lap cupping your lower abdomen. 
Bring your awareness to your breath and breathe fully into your lower abdomen. 
Breathe in with your nose and exhale with your mouth. 
Expand the breath evenly from the core of your abdomen into all directions—front, back, up and down.
Breathe naturally and allow the body to relax, scanning frequently to adjust any areas of tension. 
Anytime you lose your focus simply bring the attention back to the breath. 

Set Your Life Force Free!